Tagreasons to live

The more you know the less you know


“The more I know the more I believe I don’t know” Something beautiful I came across today. Let’s deep dive into this: as kids, we are so eager and curious because we have little or no idea of what is to come next. The first time kids start walking and fall, they don’t think twice before getting back up. They learn. They grow. They dream. They desire. Curiosity leads...

Isolation isn’t all bad


“If you’re depressed please don’t isolate” The statement above never made sense to me. Someone who is depressed would naturally isolate. In my opinion it’s not the isolation which is detrimental, but what you do in isolation. If you’re someone who stays in bed, stares the ceiling and overthinks for hours then please do not do that. However this is what I do, I...

Don’t let your past define you


You are allowed to bend but NEVER break. Bend= Get punched in the face and get back up. Break= Get knocked down and believe you can’t get back up. Never let your past or your fears define you. I suffer from depression and anxiety but if I start believing that I can not function with this then I will never be able to do the amazing things that i wish to do. I don’t care how bad you...

Self Therapy Session 7


Hello everyone! Apologies for the delay. I know the ritual for Self Therapy sessions is for Wednesday. This is the first time I’m posting on a Thursday which is good news in itself. Why? Because it means I was so busy yesterday that I could not find the time to make this post. Keeping busy is the best thing you can do because it avoids you from overthinking. Anyway for my new readers, this...

Mystery Blogger Award


Thank you so much Ilona, for nominating me. Please check her blog if you didn’t yet, very interesting and unique blog here www.easydiet.blog Rules: -List the rules. -Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog. +Tell your readers 3 things about yourself -You have to nominate others -Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog -Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice...