Mystery Blogger Award


Thank you so much Ilona, for nominating me. Please check her blog if you didn’t yet, very interesting and unique blog here

-List the rules.
-Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
+Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
-You have to nominate others
-Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
-Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice

3 things about myself:

  • I have fallen more times than I could count or remember
  • I am a fighter so I get back up each time no matter what
  • I am working on something larger than myself but if it happens that will be out of this world

Ilona’s Questions:

  • How long have you been in your blogging journey?

I started February of 2019

  • Do you like comics, if you do which one is your favourite?

Nope I do not

  • Do you think we are alone in the universe?

Definitely not

  • Shower or Bath?

Bath, everytime

  • London or Paris?

Paris hands down

My questions:

1. What message do you want to give out through your blog?

2. Your worst experience in life ever?

3. Your best life experience?

4. One advice from you to all readers?

5. What’s that thing you’ve been chasing for a long time and still have not got?

My nominations:


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