
Will life ever get easier?


No. But you will find the strength to keep going. Fall down 10 times, get back up 11. Keep hitting till you stop getting hit. Stop dreaming when you’re asleep and start dreaming when you’re awake. Tackle your problems head on. Connect with people who will help you on your journey. Do not be afraid to ask for help. Find the love that is meant for you. Drift away from those who drain...

Not all is bad


The human mind is such that when we have a bad experience we quicky jump to the conclusion that everything is bad. However this may not be true. My therapist told me the same thing today and he worded it beautifully: “Look at how much you have achieved amidst the Tsunami” I do acknowledge that it is true. I have showed massive resiliency even in the face of adversity. Even though each...

About making it work


Sometimes the past can be scary, it may haunt us in our present. Our past can spoil our present experiences which are meant to be good. But we simply don’t allow them to be that way due to all the baggage we are carrying from the past. No matter how bad things have been before, we must always be willing to start fresh. To give ourself another chance. Quoting the lion king on this, “It...

Dream big


I read it somewhere that if you tell someone about your dream and they don’t laugh back at you then your dream is not big enough. We often have dreams that are 1- very short term 2- very achievable Which is why once we achieve them, we lose a sense of purpose. We do not aim for the big dreams, the one’s we really want because of this deep fear and self doubt that maybe they will never...

Counting my blessings


This post is literally about what is mentioned in the caption. I am going to be listing down the things that I’m grateful for. This can either be big or small does not matter. One strong trait of depression is that a person under it’s influence starts to believe that there is nothing to be grateful. I can validate this from personal experience. However if you really concentrate, there...