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3 good things


Here is something that I am starting to do and want you guys to do as well. It is to start maintaining a journal. No it’s not one of those dear diary type situations. It is to write down 3 good things that happened to you just before sleeping. Here’s the logic behind it. The purpose is to change your brain DNA towards positivity. Even on your hardest of days, if you can manage to...

Versatile Blogger Award


Thank you my dear friend for nominating, please check her blog and give a follow, i’m sure she will follow you back ? The versatile blogger award was created to celebrate bloggers who create that are unique content, good writing, beautiful imagines or photography. 7 Facts About Myself I’m on my way to recovery I’m the most positive that one can be I work out Spice is the...

The more you know the less you know


“The more I know the more I believe I don’t know” Something beautiful I came across today. Let’s deep dive into this: as kids, we are so eager and curious because we have little or no idea of what is to come next. The first time kids start walking and fall, they don’t think twice before getting back up. They learn. They grow. They dream. They desire. Curiosity leads...

Collab on “Horrors of today’s world”


I did collaboration with this great blogger. Make sure to check her blog here is the link i’m sure if you follow she will give you the follow back. Her View There are multiple horrors in the world happening everyday. One of the worst is rape. So many women get attacked everyday, every minute and it can sound unrealistic but yes, almost every minutes. Someone rape can be...

Isolation isn’t all bad


“If you’re depressed please don’t isolate” The statement above never made sense to me. Someone who is depressed would naturally isolate. In my opinion it’s not the isolation which is detrimental, but what you do in isolation. If you’re someone who stays in bed, stares the ceiling and overthinks for hours then please do not do that. However this is what I do, I...

Don’t let your past define you


You are allowed to bend but NEVER break. Bend= Get punched in the face and get back up. Break= Get knocked down and believe you can’t get back up. Never let your past or your fears define you. I suffer from depression and anxiety but if I start believing that I can not function with this then I will never be able to do the amazing things that i wish to do. I don’t care how bad you...