ArchiveJuly 2019

How to ask for help


Just listened to this podcast of a ted talk by Heidi Grant where she talked about 4 ways to ask for help. Got some great insights which I thought would be nice to share and helpful for others. 1- Be very specific with what you need help with. This makes it clear for your helper with regard to what exactly you need help with. *Example: I would like your advice on getting into medical school. 2...

Fitness Junkie Here


Today, I met a fine young man at my gym and we had a very meaningful interaction. So meaningful that I could not resist making a post about it. I won’t go into details, but this guy had made himself go through a massive transformation. He had lost 20+ kgs of weight through strict discipline at a young age of only 19 years. When I asked how he did it, his reply was, “The day my father...

Liebster Award


I have been nominated by Ilona who is a huge support in my life. She constantly motivates me to dream big and achieve big through her blog. Do have a look at THE RULES: Say ‘Thank you’ to the Blogger who nominated you. Share facts about yourself. Answer the questions the blogger asked you. Nominate lucky bloggers and make them happy. Ask questions to your nominees. Notify your...

Blogger Recognition Award


I have been nominated by Ilona. Ilona spreads the message of positivity through her blog. Do give a follow What Is The Blogger Recognition Award? The award is a way that we recognize and support each other as bloggers, and especially to show that we appreciate how much time, work, energy, and effort goes into producing and maintaining a high-quality blog. It is a humbling experience to be...