Easy SEO for Beginners Course


I am writing an article on SEO for Beginners Course based on what I learned from an online course on Udemy.

I read a connection’s post on LinkedIn recently which stated that with the growth of online courses, posting a certificate of completion on your LinkedIn profile is next to useless. He stated rather than just posting the certificate, it would be much better if we can write a few words on what we got to learn from the course or how we have implemented that learning.

Search for your post specific keyword: Personally I use https://app.neilpatel.com/ for this purpose. A keyword is probably the most important factor in SEO. Head over to keyword ideas (see image below)

I am writing an article on what I learned from an online course on Udemy on SEO for Beginners Course.
SEO for Beginners Course

Now for example for this post I search for the keyword “SEO for beginners”. As a result the site suggests that SEO for beginners course would be a better keyword as it has a higher cost per click (see image below)

*Cost per click (CPC) is a paid advertising term where an advertiser pays a cost to a publisher for every click on an ad. CPC is also called pay per click (PPC).

No alt text provided for this image
SEO for Beginners Course

VOL shows number of searches for the specific keyword during a month

PD is paid difficulty which is the estimated competition in paid search, higher the number higher the competition

SD is estimated competition in organic search. Higher number means more competitive

So after my search I decided to go with SEO for beginners course. Your keyword becomes the title of your post. Now if you are running a website, make sure the same keyword goes in the URL as well for example https://reasonstolivefor.com/seo-for-beginners-course/

Next up, the keyword must appear in the beginning of the content. Head over to the first paragraph of this post and see how smartly i have placed the keyword there 😉

It is always a good idea to use images because visuals make reading more interesting and helps better rank your post. Also, if you go into alt text setting of your image, it must include the keyword as well.

Remember how I mentioned https://app.neilpatel.com/ earlier in the post? This is called linking out to external resources. However you have got to make sure that the external links you are adding are not spam and are relevant to the topic being discussed. Neil patel is renowned for SEO which is why I chose to mention him in my post.

As opposed to external links, internal links are where you direct readers to something you posted sometime in the past but is relevant to the topic in discussion. I wrote a post on working from home routine so I may write “If you want to read more about working from home routine then head over to https://reasonstolivefor.com/work-from-home/

Make sure whatever keyword you are using, you have not used it in any of your posts before otherwise the Google algorithm gets mixed up.

Using power words in your posts improve ranking as well. These power words trigger an emotional response and pack some serious punch, getting us to click on ads, share blog posts and buy from sales pages. You can check some 400+ power words here https://sumo.com/stories/power-words

Use short better paragraphs as they improve readability. This is all I learned from the course which you can access as well for FREE! You can find the link to that online course below. I would encourage you all to head over and do the course, it will help you significantly in your blog posts.


SEO experts who might be reading this, I would love to learn from you so do add anything I may have missed in comments below


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